American Airlines

  • American Airlines em wanpela bikpela American ai lain i stap long Fort Worth, Texas. Em i wanpela long ol lain bilong bikempla bikpela tingting long olgeta pasin. American Airlines i wok long gutpela pilon olpela pasin bilong ples na olgeta hap bilong wara. American Airlines i gat bikpela pilon olpela ai plot na i givim bikpela nambis long ol samting bilong wara long sampela hap bilong graun. Ai lain bilong munipa em i wanpela memba blong grup bilong Oneworld na i gat bikpela bikpela saveave hat bilong lukautim sampela wara samting bilong ol narapela ai lain. American Airlines i save long insait long gutpela netwok bilong en na sevis bilongen long kastom olgeta.
American Airlines
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John F Kennedy International
Sachim pres
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John F Kennedy International
Sachim pres
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Los Angeles
Sachim pres
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Los Angeles
Sachim pres
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La Guardia
Sachim pres
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La Guardia
Sachim pres
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La Guardia
Chicago O'hare International
Sachim pres
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Mexico City
Sachim pres
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Sachim pres